
Aloe Vera might just be the number one remedy for an abundance of skin ailments and discomforts. This cactus plant is not only famous for working wonders on skin and hair, but in recent years, has been praised for its immunity boosting, digestive enhancing properties.

Aloe vera is one of our favorite all natural remedies for skin and hair. 

Aloe Vera might just be the number one remedy for an abundance of skin ailments and discomforts. This cactus plant is not only famous for working wonders on skin and hair, but in recent years, has been praised for its immunity boosting, digestive enhancing properties. And the best part is, instead of buying aloe vera gel in a supermarket or pharmacy, you can have it around as a houseplant and easily extract its goodness all on your own. 

But before we jump into all the health and healing benefits of aloe vera for skin and hair, let’s explore where it comes from, how to use it and who will benefit most from the gel inside this cactus plant. 

A little bit about aloe vera

Aloe vera is actually a short shrub, also known as lily of the desert. Aloe Barbadensis Miller and Aloe Arborescens are the two types of aloe vera grown commercially and has been studied in the United States, starting as far back as the 1930s. If that’s not old enough for you, how about aloe vera’s presence in ancient civilizations? The healing powers of Aloe Vera dates as fat back as 2100 BC, in ancient Summarian tablets. These tablets are arguably the first written records we have of ancient civilizations, and our beloved aloe vera is there, on those very tablets. The cactus is believed to have arrived in the United States through Spanish settlers, and is found mostly in Florida, Texas and southern California. The plant can be grown both indoor or outdoors, depending on the climate you live in. 

Aloe vera healing benefits for Skin

Aloe vera is probably most famous for healing sunburns, after a long day in the sun. But that’s certainly not all it does for the skin and body. Aloe vera can reduce and remove signs and scars of acne from the face and body. There’s no doubt that aloe vera helps moisturize the skin without leaving behind any traces of oil or grease. It’s especially beneficial for those with oily skin types, or those with sensitive skin, because it won't irritate the skin, or make the skin appear greasy. 

While aloe vera is moisturizing the skin, it also works at cleaning the pores for cleaner softer skin. Does it end there? Not really. It’s also a great natural remedy for razor burn, can be applied to small cuts and scrapes, and will boost healing time. It speeds up cell production, and penetrates the skin 8 times faster than water. This way you really get that moisture in and that skin healing! 

Isn’t it obvious now why Vonetta Cosmetics has included aloe vera as a main ingredient in her Cucumber Gel Mask, Normalizing Toner, Strawberry Pumice Scrub and to be honest, the list goes on! 


Aloe vera hair care benefits

Aloe vera is great for those who have dandruff or tend to have a dry scalp. The same way it works at moisturizing your skin, it works at moisturizing that scalp. It will also heal fungal infections on the scalp and is believed to promote new hair growth because of the essential vitamins and minerals it contains. The proteolytic enzymes work at repairing the scalp, while the vitamins and minerals work at moisturizing and conditioning the hair, for stronger and softer hair. Yes please! 

Our final thoughts on Aloe Vera’s healing benefits

Besides for applying aloe vera topically, many have benefited from drinking aloe vera teas, smoothies, water and juices. Aloe vera is rich in antioxidants, and contains antiviral and antitumor properties. It cleanses the digestive system, strengthens the immune system, and cleanses the circulatory system. It’s pretty much -- a super succulent. 

Have you recently used products with aloe vera as one of the main ingredients? How has it improved your skin and hair? We’d love to hear what you’re using and all about the natural ingredients that you love!

By Vonetta Williams 0 comment


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