
More often than not, clients who reach out to me are trying to get that glow that no filter or highlighter can provide!  However, they are typically practicing not so great skin care habits that are slowing their progress down, creating discoloration, dull and drab- looking skin.  Included in these "not so great" habits is using painful techniques, in hopes of rushing the process.
Pain is definitely not gain... when it comes to skin care.

When clients reach out to me, they are more often than not ,trying to get that glow that no filter or highlighter can provide!  However, they are typically practicing not so great skin care habits that slow down or can even halt their progress leaving their skin discolored, dull and...

By Vonetta Williams Read more
Dead skin cells make up the top layer of our skin.  If these cells aren't removed on a regular basis they can accumulate and clog pores, very dry skin will start to peel and flake, and wrinkles will appear deeper and more numerous. If skin looks dull or seems to flake easily, it is probably time to exfoliate!

Many times I get asked, what is exfoliation, how often should I exfoliate and how will it benefit my skin?  Exfoliation involves the removal of cells from the top layer of the skin. This process is just as necessary for maintaining healthy, radiant skin as cleansing and moisturizing. It is...

By Vonetta Williams Read more

Meet the TRUTH BAR. Many people have fell in love with the TRUTH BAR™ here is how it all happened.  Of course this is the short From its introduction in 2004, the TRUTH BAR™ formerly known as the Oil/Acne Bar has been popular.  After four years of carrying the...

By Vonetta Williams Read more
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